Senin, 23 Juli 2018

Offering and Suggestion


Cast : Casey Brenarizkita
            Novianty K.

One day in the library.. 

Hasil gambar untuk library

Novi   : Hi, Cas!
Casey : Oh Hi, Novi!
Novi   : What are you doing here?
Casey : I'm just doing some research about German.
Novi   : Really? Why?
Casey : Because I'm going to take German as my additional subject.
Novi   : Oh now I remember that I haven't decided yet what additional subject that I want.
Casey : Why?
Novi   : I'm still confused.
Casey : May I help you with some advice?
Novi   : Sure OMG Thank you!!
Casey : So how about taking German like me?
Novi   : Hmm I don't know, I'm not a fan of learning language. Anyway why did you choose German?
Casey : Because I love learning language in general. Then how about Economy Class?
Novi   : Sounds good but I'm not fully sure.
Casey : I think economy fits you well because you don't have to learn deep about language.
Novi   : I don't know. I want some lesson which I can apply it in my daily life.
Casey : Than its right! You should take Economy Class!
Novi   : Okay than I'm going to think about it. Thank you anyway.
Casey : No problem. And if you still need some advice you can contact me if you want. Or how about taking some advice from your homeroom teacher.
Novi   : You sure help a lot. Why don't we hangout later?
Casey : Great! How about this weekend?
Novi   : Sure! So I think I have to go, so talk to you later okay? Bye!
Casey : Yup, bye!

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